City of Imperial’s Policy on Utility Service Disconnection

If not paid by the delinquent date shown on the face of the Courtesy Notice — the service may be disconnected without FURTHER NOTICE.

Additional procedures have been adopted by the governing body and are available at the office of the City Clerk.

Reconnection charge is $50.00, after hours $75.00.

Pursuant to Chapter 19, Article 27 of the State of Nebraska Statutes, you have a right to request a conference prior to disconnect date regarding any dispute over such proposed disconnection. Disconnection may not be made pending conclusion of the conference. Disconnection may be postponed or prevented upon presentation of a duly licensed physician’s, physician’s assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse certificate, which shall certify that a resident within the customer’s household has an existing illness or handicap and would suffer an immediate and serious health hazard if electric service were discontinued. Such certificate shall be filed with the City of Imperial within 5 days of receipt of the final notice.

Installment payments may be arranged. Such installment payments will be in addition to any current electric utility charges.

Welfare recipients may qualify for assistance in payment of utility bills and should contact their caseworker in that regard.

If you have a third party you wish notified of the discontinuance action, please let us know.

If you have an inquiry or complaint, you may contact Jo Leyland, telephone 882-4368, City Clerk’s Office 740 Court Street, Imperial, NE.