Volunteer Opportunities
Working Together Moving Imperial Forward
Imperial is a progressive community with free or low-cost activities for all ages. In a small, growing community like Imperial, volunteers are essential to help with crucial areas of local government and all of the fun activities and organizations that improve the quality of life for our residents. Imperial has been blessed with a large body of willing residents eager to dedicate their time to their community. Please consider volunteering some of your time to help continue to move Imperial forward.
Imperial Area Organizations and Contacts
Imperial Community Center - Laura Barton
Imperial Community Foundation Fund - Tanna Hanna
Imperial Country Club Association - Mary Wilson
Imperial Education Association - Larry Munger
Imperial Volunteer Fire Dept. - Doug Mitchell, Chief
IVFD Auxiliary
Jaycees - Chris Lee
Lions Club - Randy Hayes
Longhorn Booster Club - Sheila Stromberger
Masons - Imperial Purity Lodge - Byron Hust
Ministerial Alliance of Southwest Nebraska - Father Gilde
Pheasants Forever - Joe Weiss
Plainsman Rifle & Pistol Club - Bob Grams
POM POMs - Kathy Christensen
Rotary Club - Melisa Owens
Global Methodist Women -
VFW Post/Auxiliary - Bud Statz and Sue Moore
Young Farmers & Ranchers Organization -
ABATE - Brad Dinnel
Car Nutz - Mike Lorimar
Chamber of Commerce - Adam Lambert, President
Champion Junior Women’s Club - Shona Heim
Chase County Area Arts Council - Marcia Bauerle
Chase County, Historical Society - Charley Colton
Chase County Hospital Foundation - Shawn Jaeger
Crazy Quilt Guild - Linda Clements
Ducks Unlimited - Kelen Fortkamp
Eagles Club/Auxiliary - Gary and Carolyn Lee
Eastern Star - Marilyn Hust
Emergency Medical Services - Deb Hayes
4-H Council -
Freedoms Foundation Valley Forge - Jill Moline
Friends of the Library - Beth Falla
The Giving Circle - Jo Leyland
Hospital Auxiliary -
For additional volunteer opportunities in the Imperial area, please search Nebraska Volunteers.